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Server To Server Transfer Of Accounts

Posted by EthanHost_com, 09-25-2004, 01:56 PM
hello im trying to transfer my clients from a server to another server. i was with integrityhost but there going under soon in my opion. my new resellers account is with ********.com and they want $30 to transfer 10 domains ...this is a rip off. is there a way i can do this my self? or can anyone help me? below is a copy of thier ad for acount transfers..................................... *** Account Transfer Service (reseller) - Our new account transfer service is available to reseller customers moving from a previous cPanel 7or above reseller account/server to E1 Server Hosting. The price of $29.99 is good for the transfer of up to 10 domains and is only applicable to the services/scripts we offer with standard configurations. For details on how to order please contact sales@********.com. Set your signature in the profile Last edited by sprintserve; 09-26-2004 at 05:45 PM.

Posted by Mortekai, 09-26-2004, 05:28 AM
If this is Cpanel based then you can manually transfer accounts using the WHM interface. Let us know if this is what both servers have and then we can show you how its done.

Posted by Dactyl, 09-26-2004, 08:20 AM
yep, the WHM lets you transfer accounts across, ofcorse your old reseller must have WHM as well, other reseller providers can do this free of charge, iam astonished that your current provider is asking for 30$ to do that!

Posted by EthanHost_com, 09-26-2004, 08:51 AM
yeah both accounts are whm

Posted by UnifiedNet, 09-26-2004, 09:05 AM
Ethen, How many accounts are we talking about transfering? You have a couple of different options. 1.) Inform your clients that you have moved providors because of the unacceptable downtime and to better service them! Ask them all to backup their data and upload! Give the option to move the data for them and tell them to contact support if they choose this option! 2.) You can manually backup every account manually on your own via whm! This option could take for ever do to dl'd speeds and the number accounts you need to move! 3.) Pay the 30.00 to have your accounts moved! 4.) Find another host that will help you get your clients on board. After all it shows support for your clients when you do something like this free of charge since you have made a decision to host with them! After what you have just been through with your previous company it would be nice to know that someone has your back! Good Luck!

Posted by Mortekai, 09-26-2004, 09:54 AM
Ok, then I suggest you manually move them one by one. Inform your clients about the transfer and ask them to close down things like forums, which could loose information while your DNS propagates to the new server and to make a backup of the information they have...just in case. Then in your WHM on the new server locate transfers and click "Copy an account from another server with account password". Then fill out the information and transfer the accounts one by one and make sure they are moved properly. If you run into trouble, or need more information, just howl Good luck.

Posted by Dactyl, 09-26-2004, 10:15 AM
Well he said that they would move only 10 account for those 30$, which is rediculous.

Posted by UnifiedNet, 09-26-2004, 10:19 AM
Oh my... Sorry I missed that one! What made you choose your current host?

Posted by Dactyl, 09-26-2004, 10:23 AM
yes exactly, i wouldnt trust a host, charging customers such big money for this service, as i said earlier, their are reseller providers that would do this for free.

Posted by James K, 09-26-2004, 01:33 PM
So are you telling me that after all the advice we told you here ( http://www.webhostingtalk.com/showth...hreadid=325022 ) you decided to go with them anyways?

Posted by EthanHost_com, 09-26-2004, 05:18 PM
i just need an unlimited plan for now...but when im making enough money ill get my own server. well what there are offering is good including cpanel xp 2004. i havent upload any files to their server and i could still get my money back. are they a good hosting companys where i can get an unlimited diskspace and bandwidth and domains hosted plan with fantastico? i have about 60 customers and dont wont to have to move them again. i need help picking a good host. a host that i can grow with. can you guys help? Last edited by EthanHost_com; 09-26-2004 at 05:23 PM.

Posted by James K, 09-26-2004, 05:30 PM
Do you understand that there is no such thing as unlimited space and bandwidth? It does not exist Can you tell me where I can get an unlimited space harddrive? Just because someone offers it, does not mean it exists! If I were to tell you that you can get a pill that will make you live forever, does that mean it exists? It's false advertising!

Posted by UnifiedNet, 09-26-2004, 05:32 PM
We can tell that you haven't uploaded any files yet. Click 60 clients = time for a dedi - I think i remember seeing your site the other day and had hosting plans around $3.00 - even if they were all paying for that plan you would still have some cash around after!

Posted by UnifiedNet, 09-26-2004, 05:34 PM
I second this! James: I choose the blue pill!

Posted by EthanHost_com, 09-26-2004, 05:41 PM
then what would you guys recommend? im all ears

Posted by UnifiedNet, 09-26-2004, 05:48 PM
I think your ready to get your hands on a server! You are reaching to find a host that will give you the farm so that you can cover your customers! Get a server and work from within your own limits instead of someone else!! Good luck

Posted by EthanHost_com, 09-26-2004, 06:02 PM
i cant afford a server yet ...i also pay for support with babcares.com

Posted by UnifiedNet, 09-26-2004, 06:08 PM
Ok. Then I would spend more time on the hunt and research each company fully!

Posted by netrage, 09-27-2004, 12:29 AM
That's ok... looking at this thread this guy shouldn't have to worry about a dedicated server.. he keeps hopping from cheap ebay host to cheap ebay host and his customers will get sick of him and leave for webhosts that know what they are doing.

Posted by jcerious, 09-27-2004, 08:59 AM
Well, if you charged your customers more than $3 per month you'd probably be able to afford what you need to service them. Obviously you're not charging them enough to provide the service you've promised them! I mean check this out (and I'm just going on the fact that someone here said you charge $3). $3 per month x 60 accounts = $180. Well, of course you can't afford a dedicated server! You can hardly afford to even be in business! But if you charged, say - $14.95... look at how this drastically changes everything for you. $14.95 x 60 = almost $900. And with that you can afford a dedicated and have some left over! If you charged $19.95 you'd make almost $1200 a month and have plenty left over! You could maybe even start thinking about providing your own support at that point! When are you people going to get some business sense!!!??? You don't create a good business by charging less than it takes to pay your expenses AND make a profit! Last edited by jcerious; 09-27-2004 at 09:02 AM.

Posted by UnifiedNet, 09-27-2004, 09:12 AM
What is the point of this flamming? It is really easy to sit back and bust on someone else's model when you aren't even showing yours! When I presented this option to him his site wasn't active so maybe it wasn't him that was offering 3.00 plans. Also there is no plan info here to go by so if i got you heated maybe your post is my fault! Also The way the industry is going its a tough sell for new customers to start them off at 14.95. The blame isn't with new hosts it is a change in the market! We are all slaves of supply and demand!

Posted by EthanHost_com, 09-27-2004, 12:54 PM
you have to start somewhere. my goal is to just make enough to be able to afford my own server and cover the cost of advertising and support. i wish it were that easy to get a bunch of customers paying 14.95 per month. but its not. you have to start small. i didnt mean for anyone to get p*ssed. just looking for a little help.

Posted by UnifiedNet, 09-27-2004, 01:16 PM
EthanHost_com, Your fine! Don't apologize for seeking guidance. Just may want to follow some good advice!

Posted by Mortekai, 09-27-2004, 07:25 PM
EthanHost_com you have done nothing wrong...people around here get a bit.....agitated at times. Its a tough business and sometimes the coffe get to them Just forgive them and move on. We will help you if we can, so dont be afraid to ask questions.

Posted by jcerious, 09-28-2004, 08:48 PM
Well, let's just say he is charging $3.00 a month. I don't see that he's denied that (maybe I missed it - but I don't see it). So, now he wants to get his own dedicated server, but he can't afford it. So, clearly - that proves my point! He's not charging enough to cover his expenses. And he said he wanted to also cover advertising and some other expenses. But at the price he's charging he's not even beginning to cover the server expense... which would be easily covered at a higher price. And at this rate he'll NEVER be able to advertise! And what you said about selling a $14.95 account being tough... just think about it for a minute. $14.95 to someone who wants to have his own business on the web is really nothing. It's as close to nothing as $3 is! If you can't sell $14.95 I don't see why you think you could sell $3. And if you think about this too, you'll realize one reason it's tough to sell $14.95 is because there are so many hosts like this guy who are basically giving it away for free! So as long as customers can get it for free or almost free, why pay $14.95? It's not a tough market because customers can't afford it. It's a tough market because people selling it aren't mature enough business people to realize you have to charge enough to pay your expenses and make a small profit on top of that. And as far as not revealing my "model" - first of all that has nothing to do with it. Second, I don't have a model. I'm a web hosting customer - not a seller! I'm a designer and sometimes I have to use a host because my client uses them and doesn't want to change. And I'm just pissed off at all the hosts I've worked with (when I'm forced to not use my preferred host), that ripped off my clients or otherwise screwed them, because in the end they weren't charging enough to pay their bills! But how could they have known this at the time they signed up with cheap host? To look at their web sites, they looked like very professional and large, stable businesses. It's only later that they find out it's just some kid running the place without an ounce of business sense and before you know it he and his company are gone - leaving my web design clients in a real bind! And this guy - I hate to say it - but he's headed in the exact same direction. And that's why I'm mad! He cannot afford to put his clients on the kinds of machines they need to be on. He could - if he raised his price by about $11 a month, but he won't. He's scared they'll run off to the $1.99 host. But in the end I'm telling you - his clients are going to get screwed. You have to charge them enough to be able to afford to treat them right! And by the way, the cheapest account my host has is $19.95 a month. And they have a $24.95 and a $34.95 too. They've told me their $24.95 is their most popular account! So, so much for $14.95 being such a tough sell.

Posted by jcerious, 09-28-2004, 08:48 PM
Sorry - the system posted my message twice! So I am deleting the text in the second one.

Posted by UnifiedNet, 09-28-2004, 09:11 PM
jcerious, I hear what you are saying but the bottom line is that some hosts do make it as budget hosts! Not many but some do! I understand that your upset as it sounds like you have lived through this.. may i suggest you get a reseller acount somewhere so that you actually have more control over your web design clients! As far as your 14.95 plan! Most business and e-commerce customers have no issue paying those amounts for packages. They are trusting you with their business and believe you are going to keep them up and running! Low budget hosts will get looked over in a situation for something that is considered critical. Personally i wouldn't know how to sell a 3.00 plan and not be laughed out of a meeting, But that is me! I do still feel that your flamming was uncalled for in this instance since I was the one that mentioned he get a server. He didn't come here looking for a server but i figured with 60 clients it may be time. To be honest he does have things in order.. At least he has a plan and has his budget worked out. Who knows he may be the next big member of "oversellers anonymous" By the way.. would love to see your work! You can pm me if you don't want to post on the forum.

Posted by joshuayip, 09-30-2004, 10:08 PM
You probably can try send an offer to the Offer Board in WHT and see if someone would agree to do it for less http://www.webhostingtalk.com/forumd...php?forumid=33 Joshua

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