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My Experience: Stay away from ehostpros.com

Posted by Glanhosts, 04-20-2004, 12:09 PM
I signed up ehostpros for there reseller account and this was my first reseller hosting plan. R1000-10 There Tech support is very slow and most to the time there problem solving skills is very lagging. Online Chat server keep cutting out. There cancellation service is a joke. It takes them 14days to cancel an account. When you submit cancel my account form: the response page for the submission form says: Sorry you cant run away from us I have submitted two emails, two form cancellation and 2 formal helpdesk tickets and still wating for cancellation email.

Posted by Martie, 04-20-2004, 12:19 PM
Is it possible to phone them?

Posted by Glanhosts, 04-20-2004, 12:35 PM
sorry they don't have phone support...

Posted by Glanhosts, 04-20-2004, 12:37 PM
They don't offer even 14days trial period for full refund which i thought was expected from a genuine reseller but not with them. Many ways this is big learning lesson for me.

Posted by TechRanker, 04-20-2004, 12:56 PM
I'd call my CC company and get my money back.

Posted by ldcdc, 04-20-2004, 06:51 PM
Sorry to read that you're having problems. You can try to get your money back by calling your CC company, but I wouldn't put too much hopes on it. Move on and learn your lesson. Better luck next time!

Posted by FWH_Rupi, 04-21-2004, 05:49 AM
Tech Support is slow ? Really, OK let me paste your tickets with all the response times here to see if these responses are slow for you: 1. Ticket# 1 Logged 5-4-2004-7:19 User/Staff Responses KPR : 5-4-2004-10:18 2. Ticket# 2 Logged 10-4-2004-2:41 User/Staff Responses Vijay : 10-4-2004-4:45 There was no response back fro myou that day then Kris Our Tech staff responded to you again: User/Staff Responses Kris : 11-4-2004-02:00 Then same day again our Tech responded with no response from you on same ticket: User/Staff Responses Williams : 11-4-2004-05:19 Then you responded on 13th. Glan: 13-4-2004-09:02 The you closed the ticket: TICKET CLOSED BY USER ***** Issue has been resolved veiw ticket xxxxxx***** 3. Ticekt # 3 Logged 13-4-2004-5:08 Our Response: User/Staff Responses Arif : 13-4-2004-5:40 4. Ticket # 4 Logged 13-4-2004-6:33 Our Response: User/Staff Responses KPR : 13-4-2004-11:25 5. Ticket #5 Logged 13-4-2004-6:51 Our Response: User/Staff Responses Kris : 14-4-2004-12:11 6. Ticket# 6 Logged 15-4-2004-06:50 Our Response: User/Staff Responses KPR : 15-4-2004-9:38 Logged = Date/Time ticket was opened by customer. None of the tickets had any big technical questions, Tickets were about private DNS, package creation and refund, cancellation. All were responded according to priority of ticket and ticket flow of the day ticket was opened. Just to let you know, 50% of our staff are Red Hat Certified, All A to Z staff we hire are computer Science major and graduated Yes, chat has lag/bug issues. Some times it will hang or cut off if there are too many users online on chat or if some user is on dialup or lag on net. We rely on helpdesk and support emails for 24x7 support. Joke Why ? Yes, it does take sometimes 14 days due to work load, Credit card processing refund may take 2 -5 business days to reflect in your bank account. 14 days doesn't mean you will be charged for those 14 days, we count refund the day you submit it. Also if you go to cancellation form it tells clearly on that page in : BOLD RED COLOR That If you get an error after sending please email all above details to cancel@ehostpros.com So simply copy the text and write your details and email to us and we take it as official cancellation from you. We are very flexible on refunds. Also all you cancellation tickets were responded in few hours so I do not know why you have to say "still wating for cancellation email." ? Unless you just want to put my companys name down for no reason. Thats why there is pre-sales FAQ which states it clearly too so you read it before signing up at: http://kbase.ehostpros.com/index.php...x_v2&id=13&c=5 Or email sales before signing or ask sales person on chat OR Read our Terms which you accepted before signin up or ask in our pre-sale Forums, so many mean and ways to ask. A link to pre-sale FAQ is on all our web pages except our homepage. You can't complain about it later, as not fair on us. You got to READ FAQ or email sales before signing up with any host. Now if you already did chargeback on us then we will not issue you refund as the chargeback will be fought. You only should do chargeback if we are not offering you full refund. But we are offering refund, as none of the tickets say no refund is due, no where it says on our site we do not offer refund on yearly plans. ? It says here: http://kbase.ehostpros.com/index.php...x_v2&id=13&c=5 "If you ordered on quaterly, semi-annually or annually billing cycle, you will be refunded for any unused months." Sorry I seem too harsh or aggressive, I am just saying what user posted in not fully true.

Posted by rcrrich, 04-22-2004, 01:05 AM
If the customer signs up today and on the same day or within the next two days as it mainly takes about two or so days to reach the bank you can either stop the payment or refund it. It is very hard to please everyone and I feel if the customer wants to leave let them go as easy as possible. As long as the customer doesn't show up at your office demanding cash for a check payment or credit card payment

Posted by FWH_Rupi, 04-22-2004, 01:40 AM
This customer signed up on 2nd and wanted refund on 15th. If it was same day or next day, we usually give full refund even though we are well within our AUP to take first month. Or if it was related to our services we still do full refund But thats not the case here. This customer is not stating his/her issues correctly in public forum about my company. Thanks Rupi

Posted by Glanhosts, 04-22-2004, 01:49 AM
First of all: You said the my issues where not much technical ******************************************************************************************************** 2. Ticket# 2 Logged 10-4-2004-2:41 User/Staff Responses Vijay : 10-4-2004-4:45 There was no response back fro myou that day then Kris Our Tech staff responded to you again: User/Staff Responses Kris : 11-4-2004-02:00 Then same day again our Tech responded with no response from you on same ticket: User/Staff Responses Williams : 11-4-2004-05:19 Then you responded on 13th. Glan: 13-4-2004-09:02 The you closed the ticket: TICKET CLOSED BY USER ***** Issue has been resolved veiw ticket xxxxxx***** ******************************************************************************************************* The issue was although i had created three packages in WHM; only ones showsup trying to modify existing or create new account You tech William the last person to work on the case send me a message saying 'i was able to create new account abc.com' William did not understand the problem and he created abc.com account with only visible package The other two package are visible when you try to edit the package but not when creating new package **************************************************** So much computer science and Red Hat Cert's ****************************************************

Posted by FWH_Rupi, 04-22-2004, 01:54 AM
Hmm, William was testing and just updated the ticket with is find of testing. Is that all you have to say about your first post about your false statements ?

Posted by Glanhosts, 04-22-2004, 01:58 AM
I am pasting a chat session i had with your techs: online chat ******************Begning of the Chat****************** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "HI" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** You are now speaking with Bobby, Support. ** Hello : Hello Bobby Bobby : hi Bobby : how can I help you ? Hello : Bobby can u answer support questions Hello : I am a new customer with Ehost reseller program Hello : I signed up for R1000-10 Promotional offer and Hello : did purchase the private nameserver option Hello : My domain name is glan.org Hello : My nameserver is ns1.glan.org and ns2.glan.org Hello : These two nameservers won't work when i try to point another domain from its existing nameserver to this new nameservers given above Hello : but it lets me point to the ehost original nameservers like ns113.edns1.com Hello : ns114.edns1.com Bobby : ok, please hold on Hello : ok Bobby : you did not order for private nameservers. Hello : Yes i did Hello : paid $10 for it too Hello : thats how i got the ns1 and ns2.glan.org nameservers in the first place Bobby : ok, please hold on Bobby : please check now, I have added private nameservers for your domain Hello : One moment plse Bobby : http://dnsstuff.com/tools/lookup.ch?...lan.org&type=A Bobby : http://dnsstuff.com/tools/lookup.ch?...lan.org&type=A Bobby : you can now use them Bobby : did you check them ? Hello : Unavailable error in field Host name1 Hello : Unavailable error in field Host name2 is the error i am getting Hello : nothing has changed since last time Bobby : ok, if you have any more problems, please get back to us Hello : WHAT Hello : ??? Your party has left this session. **************************END OF CHAT**************** 1) Problem is private nameserver which i paid for are not activated even after two days of account activation....Ehostpros forgot to create an "A RECORD" for the private nameservers. On the conversation Bobby first said that i did not pay for the private nameservers which is incorrect information and he realizes his mistake and creates "A Record" for the Name Servers... 2) While i am testing the nameservers and trying to change the nameservers he disconnects on me...after i told him that "nothing has changed" meaning the problem still exists For your information I am on a Highspeed internet connection:: Its bobby's faults who doesnot read whats on the screen before him....alright... This screwup from ehostpros cost me two addition days for nameserver replication which could have been done to the private names instead switching back and forth between ehostpros nameservers and my private nameservers

Posted by Glanhosts, 04-22-2004, 02:05 AM
False Statement: he is troubleshooting a wrong problem He did not even understand the issue.....hey and guess what that morning when you said i did not comeback to the forum when you guys responded for my attention: that day i had a meeting to attend to so early in the morning i explained everyting to SanJ an chat operator and HAD HIM PHYSICALLY WALK THROUGH THE PROBLEM AND HE SAID HE WILL LET THE TECHS KNOW SINCE I HAD TO LEAVE AND HE DID NOT DO THAT AND WHEN GOT BACK TO GUYS IT WAS EXTRA LATE BECUASE OF SanJ the chat support techs irresponsiblity.... alright and anybody in the right mind would agree ehostpros screwed up agains and u trying to sweep it under the rug by calling it a lie.....

Posted by FWH_Rupi, 04-22-2004, 02:26 AM
The reason you could not change your domains DNS to ns1.glan.org and ns2.glan.org is because you didnt register your nameservers at your registrar. Its domain holders reponsibility to register the nameservers. In your ticket about Private DNS not being setup, KPR apologized and did setup your DNS on 5th in few hours of opening the ticket. As I said chat hangs up most of the time if ther eare multiple users. I do regret not having solid onlie chat software. The billing software was changed little bit and addon packages do not show on main page so he could not see. But later on chat he found out and did setup your A records. I do not understand SanJ's chat issue. Your issue was resolved the same day on your other ticket. Anyhow I do not want to argue on this issue, as we will be going around in circles.

Posted by Glanhosts, 04-22-2004, 02:38 AM
Below i am pasting a chat session with one of support technicians who is supposed to be a RED HAT CERT and CS Graduate......this is after i got dropped from Bobby Chat session and 20mins of constant trying to get somebody on the chat session. I asked him few questions 1) private nameserver still doesnot work and his response is it shows in dnsstuff.com and my response but doesnot show in the versign registry and he says i should wait for 24hrs if bobby had told me this in time on the previous chat: it would not be wasting my time testing it and getting dropped and then 20mins in reconnecting and explaning to whole issue to new guy. 2) I asked SanJ what is ftp address before the domain name resolves to the new nameserver: it literally took more than 15mins to understand what i was asking for:: he keep going on and on about the software i should be using for uploading ***Any normal web developer knows what software to use to upload to an ftp server************ And by the way I am MCSE & Network+ certified and also have a BS in Comp Sci and Eng working for HP 3) SanJ also left the chat session or as you say it the bug in the chat kicked right in.....thats second time is the charm -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "ll" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ** You are now speaking with SanJ, Pre-Sales. ** SanJ : hi he : Hi he : I am new reseller client for your company he : My domain name is glan.org he : SanJ : ok he : User name is glanor57 SanJ : k he : I purchased private nameserver and it does not work when i try to point a domain name to my he : private name server he : which is ns1.glan.org and ns2.glan.org SanJ : from where you registeded the domain name SanJ : ? he : godaddy.com he : which is a accredited registerer SanJ : Please go to the domain manager of your registrar and change the name server he : SanJ: I WISH IT WAS THAT SIMPLE THEN I WON'T HAVE TO CONTACT YOU GUYS he : You see the problem is it fails when i do that... SanJ : after changing the name server it takes 24 to 48 hours for propagation he : The mere fact that when i point it your original nameservers like he : ns113.edns1.com he : works fine but my nameserver won't even pass the through the submission form he : domain name has already propagated to the server worldwide he : becuase glan.org does resolve to the shared ip on your server SanJ : please holdon i will check he : ok SanJ : http://dnsstuff.com/tools/lookup.ch?...lan.org&type=A SanJ : did you check this link ? he : yes SanJ : it is working fine, right ? he : but according to VeriSign a world recognized company its not he : check this out SanJ : it means your private nameservers are propagated and also are setup correctly he : http://registrar.verisign-grs.com/cg...ype=nameserver he : if you run a whois search for the nameserver in SanJ : ok, as we said in your earlier chat with us, we have set them up just 30 minutes back he : the following website it won't work SanJ : it may take a while to get resolved he : okay ... i will check this evening then, if you are feel so strongly about the propagation time factor... he : I got another question for you he : When i create an account for my clients needing a hosting service.... he : what directory should i sent them to till there domain name is resolved SanJ : we have setup your nameservers correctly, as you can see from the link I gave above he : Okay... but please ready the above paragraph about another question... he : forexample the domain name of my client is ipcdallas.org SanJ : ok he : till there domain transfers where can they look for there preview of there site SanJ : http://ehostpros.com/~username he : but this will tell them that i am using your service he : beats the whole idea of staying annoymous SanJ : sorry http://svr57.ehostpros.com/~username he : again he : but this will tell them that i am using your service he : he : beats the whole idea of staying annoymous SanJ : wait for some time than u can use the private name server he : what do you mean: he : when the private name server takes effect how will that change the problem at hand he : what will be new directory structure when the private name server takes effect SanJ : there will be no cahnge in directory structure he : I mean to path address or url above SanJ : You can access by the domain name he : Lets say the private name server ns1.glan.org works now SanJ : ok he : what will be the address of preview site for a client whose domain name 'ipcdallas.org' has not resolved to my private name server be like he : do you follow what i am saying? SanJ : yes SanJ : they should wait till propagation SanJ : or can use the main name server in url he : when you mean main server you are refering to above mentioned address: he : he : http://svr57.ehostpros.com/~username SanJ : yes SanJ : yours is reseller so use http://svr57.edns1.com/~username he : one minute let me check that he : Okay Good Answer on that one -KOODOS he : now tell me this he : right now it shows me the whole directory structure of the files he : where should i put the index file in SanJ : in public_html folder SanJ : one default index.html file is there SanJ : you should replace with your index.html he : there is no default index.html becuase i can see whole folder organization in the directory he : how i do i access the control panel for this new account SanJ : than no problem SanJ : you can put your index.html in public_html folder ******he : whats the ftp account ******he : address *******SanJ : you can use any ftp clientmc to upload or download files like ws-ftp or gftp ******SanJ : the password and user name is same as your cpanel password ******he : whats the path to the ftp account ******SanJ : you can use any FTP client to upload your files ******he : i am talking about the client programs to upload the files ******he : i am talking about where do i upload the files at ******SanJ : you can use MS frontpage to upload your home page to public_html folder *******he : NO NOT THAT *******he : LETS TRY THIS AGAIN *******he : okay *******he : ARE U READY *****he : ARE U THERE!!!! *****SanJ : yes *****he : When i opened the account with you guys and before my domain name could be pointed to your servers he : ***** YOU STILL FOLLOWING WHAT I AM RIGHT**** *****he : you guys gave me an ipaddress where i can upload my files to: ******he : will it be the same ipaddress for all my clients *****SanJ : yes he : okay one moment let me check plse he : ok good answer on that one - KOODOS Your party has left this session.

Posted by FWH_Rupi, 04-22-2004, 02:45 AM
I do not see nothing wrong with above chat, he answered all your questions correctly. Private, dns, preview url and ftp and ftp publish to use. ?

Posted by FWH_Rupi, 04-22-2004, 02:47 AM
Anyhow if you have not done chargeback I will refund you for unused months, If you have then we will fight. Let me know by email or pm or here.

Posted by Glanhosts, 04-22-2004, 02:49 AM
My domain is registered and parked at godaddy much before i opened an account with you guys and had the private nameserver of that domain registered that day i opened the account with you. Its you guys who forgot to change the system which bobby fixed but i had to wait for the replication to occur. If you had did what bobby did when i openned the hosting service wit h you i would not be two day behind..... Appologies are not the way.....You charge customers You expected to deliver the service......I cannot just appolgize instead of paying the hosting bill can I..... An Invalid or non existent nameservers will not pass through the submission page when you try to change the nameserver from a valid nameserver becuase the system runs a query on nameservers you entered I don't think you are really don't think you Red Hat Cert's worth something...sorry but i am not intrested in teaching from scratch above DNS SERVERS & NETWORK INFRASTRUCTURE And about Bind okay ..... I expect a refund tommorow thats all so i can move to something better Good Luck Ehostpros...

Posted by FWH_Rupi, 04-22-2004, 03:07 AM
Again I do not see that you registered your nameservers: http://reports.internic.net/cgi/whoi...ype=nameserver I do not want to drag this issue any further. You have your view rights. I have refunded you for $185.45. Good Luck with your new host. Bye

Posted by Glanhosts, 04-22-2004, 03:17 AM
Finally:: Thats all i wanted from since the 15th of this month. Good Luck to you to with your existing clients

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