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Alternatives to dathorn needed

Posted by kymber, 07-27-2003, 02:29 AM
After several hours reading the forums and days searching for a good reseller account, I decided to give dathorn.com a try. But unfortunately, they currently do not have any accounts available. This is a good thing I guess, as it shows me that they aren't overloading their servers, but I really need a good reseller account rather quickly. I currently have one of my domains hosted with Venture's Online, and they are absolutely wonderful! But I now need to host several of my domains, and I'm looking for a cheaper alternative in order to keep my prices down. However, uptime and reliability are still my main concern. I'm currently not reselling any hosting. I only need to host my own domains and initially, I don't need that much bandwidth or space for all of the domains combined. I really don't want to leave VO, as I've been with them for about 3 years and I think they are absolutely the best. But at the same time, they don't offer a small package for what I need. So, for the price and reliability that dathorn appears to offer, what other alternative reseller hosting companies can you guys suggest for me? Thanks.

Posted by m1index, 07-27-2003, 02:39 AM
I think www.cybrisk.com is on the same datacenter as Dathorn and they offer resellers account only. You should take a look of them. Personnally, I do not have experience with them. Regards, Alex

Posted by jvreeland, 07-27-2003, 02:55 AM
Voxtreme is also a good company for resellers. They are located in the NAC and have good costs and support. They are only resellers as well. They also seem to have a pretty good reputation on the forums. Here is a Search on them on WHT Best of Luck ~Jeff

Posted by Tamarra, 07-27-2003, 03:20 AM
cybrisk is an option as well as melitaweb, sultanhost and okihost. I am sure you will get recommended other good companies as well. In todays saturated hosting market, you can really get a good service without putting ona mortgage on your house. Tam

Posted by aushost, 07-27-2003, 05:33 AM
Value for money you can't go past either Thrillhost.com or Cybrisk.com both have excellent reseller deals.

Posted by Tiago, 07-27-2003, 10:22 AM
You also may look at Mesopia.com. They have good deals and iI think they are located at Rackshack.

Posted by Nymix-CB, 07-27-2003, 11:33 AM
There are a lot of good ones...httpme.com is one

Posted by ric, 07-27-2003, 12:28 PM
funny, their online tutorials connect to terabitehosting.com ..did I miss something?

Posted by znetz, 07-27-2003, 01:05 PM
i suggest you to choice vshosting.net

Posted by intellec, 07-27-2003, 01:17 PM
Give www.UnitedHosting.co.uk a look. The plans are reasonable and they have a more secure platform. Support has been great there.

Posted by Jay H, 07-27-2003, 02:46 PM
funny, their online tutorials connect to terabitehosting.com ..did I miss something?" Terabite Hosting recently changed over to mesopia.com.

Posted by kymber, 07-27-2003, 03:19 PM
vshosting.net and sultanhost.com both look extremely attractive. How is their uptime?

Posted by znetz, 07-27-2003, 03:27 PM
http://www.vssupport.co.uk/status/ Vshosting has a great support and great costs! Their community is better than the other company which you said..

Posted by kymber, 07-27-2003, 03:48 PM
But what about their uptime and speed? It looks like sultanhost offers more ram on their servers. sultanhost advertises 1GB+Ram and 99.9% uptime, while vshosting advertises 512RAM (more added if needed) and 99.5%. What do you guys think?

Posted by znetz, 07-27-2003, 04:10 PM
this is your choice, i use vshosting.net and I am happy with them!

Posted by techmark, 07-27-2003, 04:12 PM
Hi, Next month, we are having the memory upgraded to 1024mb, and our uptime shows 2 days, we had to reboot the server after some work, before that we had 81 days uptime. Regards

Posted by kymber, 07-27-2003, 11:26 PM
Thanks to everyone for your suggestions. I've decided to go with sultanhost. It was a very tough decision between sultanhost and vshosting. To vshosting: If things don't work out with my choice, I'll be headed your way next. Thanks to all. . .

Posted by kymber, 07-27-2003, 11:27 PM
To everyone else...dathorn says they'll have more accounts available by Friday.

Posted by Tamarra, 07-28-2003, 02:15 AM
Well I think you should be OK with sultanhost, let us know how it goes. Good Luck ! Tam

Posted by znetz, 07-28-2003, 01:24 PM
remove this please.

Posted by ReliableSol, 07-28-2003, 08:23 PM
One not mentioned here that seems to have a good reputation and good costs is Pixiehost.com. I haven't used them yet, but have many friends in the hosting industry who do. They are next on our list to use after Dathorn.

Posted by kymber, 07-28-2003, 11:03 PM
It's funny, but everyone should have a backup list these days. Over the years I've seen many hosts come and go, and I've also seen many hosts come with great recommendations and a great reputation and later fall to the bottom of the pit within a few months. So it just makes since to always keep a list of who you may use next in the event that you have to. So even though I've already chosen a host (sultanhost), I'm still interested in more recommendations that I can add to my backup list that are within my price range. So far I've been extremely impressed with sultanhost, and I hope to stay with them. They have offered very quick and helpful customer support to me. But just to stay on the safe side, here's my backup list: Lower price range: dathorn.com vshosting.net maybe pixiehost.com (I need to learn more about them first) Higher Price Range: Ventures Online (yes I would return to them, they're great) httpme.com voxtreme.com So do you guys have any more to suggest? Last edited by kymber; 07-29-2003 at 02:50 AM.

Posted by ECPY, 07-28-2003, 11:18 PM
I'm currently looking into www.srlhosting.com and www.insiderhosting.com. I've had some experience with insiderhosting before moving to my current host and liked them so am considering going back.

Posted by kymber, 07-29-2003, 02:11 AM
Hey it looks like bacakhost.com is in the same price range as dathorn.com, vshosting.net, sultanhost.com, etc... Does anyone here have any experience with them? Last edited by kymber; 07-29-2003 at 02:50 AM.

Posted by anon-e-mouse, 07-29-2003, 04:37 AM
Interesting to note that bacakhost.com and sultan.host have the same whois details.

Posted by kymber, 07-29-2003, 04:57 AM
And bacakhost gave recommendations to use sultanhost. And now doing a little search here on WHT, I notice that sultanhost's WHT account (SHT) had been disabled. I wish I would have known to search for things like this before making a decision. You live and learn I guess. Well I might be needing that back-up plan after all now. More recommendations needed...please!

Posted by Tamarra, 07-31-2003, 02:28 AM
Hello, Let me clarify a few points ; Both of the companies are subsidiaries of the same firm operating in different markets and locations. sultanhost is based in Europe and has offices in Athens and Istanbul (servers located in EV1, Houston, TX.) We (bacakhost) on the other hand are moving to our new offices from Europe to Perth, WA/Australia (South Perth to be precise) and will aim to serve the market down under. I myself have studied CS in UWA for 4 years and hope to work with my fellow Aussie mates when we get there. Now regarding the banning of SHT, as far as I know, they had a run in with the moderators over a recommendations issue just like this and were banned from WHT. I dont' see anything wrong with recommending a fellow company as I have been throughly objective and added other GOOD companies as alternatives in my posts. I DO believe that sultanhost does provide a good service at very affordable costs and if I am not mistaken, Kymber herself stated it was so. Regards, Tam

Posted by kymber, 07-31-2003, 07:05 AM
Yes, I did state that, and still stand by that. Sultanhost was very nice and helpful to me as well as offer very affordable costs. In fact, they even gave me a better deal than what was offered on their website because I thought I was signing up for a special that was still available when, as it turns out, that special was no longer available. The better deal wasn't as good as the special, but it was better than what they offer now. Now to me, that was great customer service. I had no problems with them whatsoever and they answered all my emails to them in a very timely fashion. But then again, I was only with them a few days. So why was I only with them a few days? You see, your recommendation of them scared me away and sent me searching for additional information especially when znetz posted "remove this please" above. I'm interested as to what you know znetz and why you posted that. It's quite a shame too. I had planned to stay with them for a very long time. In fact, as stated earlier, I was with my previous host for about three years. According to what you say, the fact remains that both companies are a subsidiary of the same company and thus you are related. Furthermore, both companies' domain names, according to whois, is exactly the same stating that both companies are "located" at the exact same address in Texas with the exact same phone number (and not in Europe like you claim above), and in my opinion, that makes your recommendation of sultanhost biased. And whether biased opinions are allowed here on WHT or not, I don't feel that this was right. It would have been better for me to have received a recommendation for sultanhost from someone else...preferably one of their customers...at least that would have made me feel better. Instead, your recommendation of them made me feel so worried after znetz's last post that I went searching for additional information as I said above. Then later anon-e-mouse confirmed above that you have the same whois info, so I searched even more and finally made the decision to just play it safe, and I canceled my account with sultanhost. And if what you say above is true, then your recommendation wasn't fair to me OR sultanhost. And I truly think that any customer in my position would feel the same way as it makes you look as if you have created a new user name here on WHT (this month to be exact) to be used for the sole purpose of recommending and driving business to your own "sister" company since your "sister" company's WHT username account has been disabled for doing the same thing that you're doing as you yourself stated above... "recommendation issues just like this". Maybe, just maybe, it wouldn't have been so bad (or looked so bad) if you had first been at WHT for several months to a year and helping other people before recommending them. So just look at it from my point of view, I've looked at the whois, It shows the address and phone number of both companies to be the exact same and located in Texas. I certainly wouldn't list the address or phone number of the company where my server was located at as my company's address or phone number in my domain registration--unless of course I owned the NOC center where my server was located at. I might would give a Texas address if I had an office there or a business located there, but you didn't state one way or the other on that, and you only talked about all locations being in Europe so I really have absolutely no idea as to who is actually in Texas except for your server. I know you're new at WHT, and I have absolutely no way of knowing whether or not the two companies are truly separate as you say, or whether you are in fact sultanhost with another website by the name of bacakhost and another company by the name of WEBDEVLETI(Webdevlei is the name of the parent company as listed on both bacakhost's and sultanhost's website) or vice-versa. Anyone could set up two separate websites and claim to be two totally separate companies. And if bacakhost is in the process of moving, you haven't completely moved yet and are at the same location of either sultanhost or your parent company which you really didn't "clarify." You simply stated that sultanhost is located in Europe, and that you are moving from Europe. So it kinda sounds to me that you guys just might possibly be at the same place afterall, I just can't seem to figure out whether it's in Europe, Texas, or now the newly added Australia. Furthermore, I took a look at your parent company's website, http://webdevleti.com. This didn't help me too much as it's not written it english. But what I did manage to read and understand was the very bottom of your "parent's" site where the copyright is located. It plainly says the following: WEBDEVLETI.COM © Bacak Online Internet Hizmetleri Tic.Ltd.'in bir istirakidir. I plainly noticed the copyright. Webdevleti doesn't look to me to be your parent company. Webdevleti looks to me to be owned by Bacak Online Internet Hizmetleri Tic.Ltd. since it looks as if Bacak Online Internet owns the copyright to the Webdevleti website. Now isn't it strange that your company's website name is "bacakhost.com" and your "true" parent company according to whois is "bacakonline.com." So it kinda looks like bacak owns everybody. So I go and do a whois search on your parent company's name, webdevleti.com, and sure enough, it's registered to Bacakonline.com in Istanbul, Turkey. hmm...the triangle continues...I go to bacakonline.com and nothing is there--it's a totally blank solid white page. So then I do a whois search for bacakonline.com. From the whois, it appears that bacakonline.com has a very similar but yet different address than Webdevleti.com and both have different phone and fax numbers, but with what looks like the same person's name for all the contacts. Then I find it strange that your parent company, or shall I say parent companies, at least list a real person's name for a contact, but neither bacakhost nor sultanhost's whois searches list a contact name. So with no contact name, and the same Texas address and phone number (whether you're really in Texas or Europe) both companies looked the same to me. I have no way of knowing whether bacakhost, sultanhost, webdevleti, or bacakonline will be here tomorrow or not, and I really have no recommendations except yours. According to whois, webdevleti has been registered for a few years, but bacakhost and sultanhost have both only been registered since March and April of this year, respectively. So, as a result I made the decision that I needed something more dependable without such strange twisted details, and so I canceled my account. It's nothing personal against sultanhost, especially if what you are saying is true. They really did seem like nice folks. But, I just didn't like you recommending them, and I decided to go a different route. So with all that said and before you go recommending them again to anyone else here at WHT, you should really take into consideration that your recommendation could quite possibly scare away potential customers of sultanhost. It certainly scared me away, and apparently you haven't looked at it this way. Not to mention the fact that it could quite possibly get your WHT account disabled just as it did for sultanhost, as you stated above, if it were to turn out that you are all the same company.

Posted by znetz, 07-31-2003, 07:35 AM
webdevleti.com is a registered trade mark in Turkey.

Posted by znetz, 07-31-2003, 07:39 AM
note that

Posted by kymber, 07-31-2003, 07:48 AM
hehe, I didn't point that out...you did! edited to add the "hehe" Last edited by kymber; 07-31-2003 at 08:16 AM.

Posted by Tamarra, 07-31-2003, 08:36 AM
Hello, I am not sure all the information above is really related to this thread or necessary (since it contains some private corp. details as well) and I think it would have been much better if you have kept it private. I do not want to lengthen this topic any longer. I will contact you privately if you require further information or details on any of the points above. Just one thing though; about the whois records, I have emailed them regarding the address disperancies and I am sure they will correct them as soon as possible. Edit -> To my knowledge; bacakonline is an incorp. operating in different sectors and webdevleti is its' branch/firm which deals with the internet sector. Regards, Tam Last edited by Tamarra; 07-31-2003 at 08:53 AM.

Posted by kymber, 07-31-2003, 08:40 AM
Of course, my guess is that you didn't know that until I mentioned it in my previous post . Am I right or wrong? I might be wrong, but either way, I'm not buying the fact that these companies originating in Turkey was your reason for posting "remove this please." Come on now, come clean. You really sent me into a frenzy when you posted that.

Posted by Tamarra, 07-31-2003, 08:53 AM
I am not sure but he used that "remove this please" comment for his own own post... Tam

Posted by flawson, 07-31-2003, 08:57 AM
Have been with melitaweb.net since middle of May. Top class support - am very happy with them. I think they should be classed as an alternative to Dathorn and since they changed their bandwidth plans I think they're a bit cheaper too.

Posted by anon-e-mouse, 07-31-2003, 09:05 AM
The plot thickens, now they want to change whois details Registrant: SULTANHOST.COM 2500 Southwest Fwy Ste 500 Houston, Texas 77098 United States Registered through: GoDaddy.com Domain Name: SULTANHOST.COM Created on: 27-Apr-03 Expires on: 27-Apr-04 Last Updated on: 14-Jul-03 Registrant: BACAKHOST.COM 2500 Southwest Fwy Ste 500 Houston, Texas 77098 United States Registered through: GoDaddy.com Domain Name: BACAKHOST.COM Created on: 28-Mar-03 Expires on: 28-Mar-04 Last Updated on: 28-Mar-03

Posted by kymber, 07-31-2003, 09:12 AM
Thank you flawson for you recommendation, but as it turns out melitaweb.net has only been a registered domain since February of this year according to their whois record, and I don't think I'll be trying anymore new reseller hosting companies especially after this. I would really prefer that they've been around at least a year or more and come with lots of recommendations from many different people. If they are still up and going by Feb of next year, I'll add them to my list of backups, and do further research. I've learned just how important that research is now. Thanks again.

Posted by Tamarra, 07-31-2003, 09:16 AM
Well I did email them about it. This is the address where the servers are located. As Kymber pointed out, this should not be the contact address and these details will get replaced with the office location. Tam

Posted by kymber, 07-31-2003, 09:39 AM
Well, let me just say this Tam, when a customer is depending on a company for their websites, this stuff IS important. As far as "private corp details" go, there is absolutely nothing that I mentioned which is considered private in the court of law as it is all of "public records" and available to the public for viewing. And if you didn't have anything to hide then you wouldn't mind your customer's wanting to know more about your company or your related companies, and you wouldn't mind your customer's looking into this kind of stuff. Sorry if you don't like that, but that's why public records are "public." Furthermore, you would defend yourself and give at least an explanation to the points that I have made. Heck, at least explain Texas... Of course I could keep my little investigative mind going and do a reverse phone number lookup for the Texas phone number and/or address listed in your whois records at http://www.reversephonedirectory.com Then I would know exactly who's in Texas. Unless of course that number doesn't really exist or is unlisted. Oh and by the way, the phone number thing is of "public" records as well. And you can go and change the whois record's address or phone numbers all you want...I've got them written down. And I also find it strange that according to your above post edit "To my knowledge," well, let's just say you left this one wide open. If you are related to this company a subsidary as you claim, then you should "have" the knowledge. And this stuff about changing your whois records...well that just sounds to me like you don't like it because I found you out and let everyone else know about it. You should have been following the rules here. Now I'm trying to give you a chance here Tam...I've been honest about the services I've received from sultanhost which seemed, for the limited time I used them, to be very good. The least you could do for everyone here and sultanhost is explain yourself. If nothing else do it for your "sister" sultanhost because their WHT account is disabled they certainly can't defend themselves now can they? Then if I'm proven wrong about anything, I will apologize directly to you, sultanhost, and your parent companies directly on this thread for "public" record and for everyone to read.

Posted by Melitaweb, 07-31-2003, 09:42 AM
Just to correct an assumption you made Kymber. Melitaweb.net has been registered since February this year but you didn't check Melitaweb.com which, of course, is also us. You'll find we've been in business quite a bit longer than that. It's just we decided to split the com and net leaving com for European/Local market and net for global market after multipricing was causing confusion.

Posted by kymber, 07-31-2003, 09:43 AM
It will be interesting to look at your new whois records when they become available in order to see where your new location will be. Are you saying that you have no idea where Texas came from? I'm not buying it. You had to have entered that address and phone number yourself when the domains were registered.

Posted by kymber, 07-31-2003, 09:51 AM
Please accept my apologies, melitaweb. According to melitaweb.com's whois record, you have indeed been around for more than a year. Thus I will indeed add you to my list of companies to research.... hehe, are you sure you want me to do this though?

Posted by kymber, 07-31-2003, 09:53 AM
znetz, if you're still around, please respond to this thread.

Posted by NexDog, 07-31-2003, 10:00 AM
Great read here...thanks for the popcorn time.

Posted by kymber, 07-31-2003, 10:30 AM
Hey guys, what's the rule about a foriegn company registering a .com domain name in the US? I was thinking that they are not allowed to do this unless they have a real business and/or address in the US? Is that right or wrong?

Posted by NexDog, 07-31-2003, 10:37 AM
Wrong. .com is available to anyone. Maybe you are thinking about .us?

Posted by kymber, 07-31-2003, 10:42 AM
Thanks NexDog, that's probably what I was thinking about.

Posted by Tamarra, 07-31-2003, 10:44 AM
The previous details belonged to the datacenter where the servers are hosted. I am not the one who registers or owns these domains therefore I have no idea how there was a mixup in the first place. I am neither the owner nor a partner in this firm and as an employee, all I can provide here is the information which has been provided to me. I do not understand why you are so negative and biased with all your assumptions to a firm which has done absolutely nothing to you other then provide you the services you have paid for. Unfortunately I feel that your motive has changed here dramatically since your initial post. I can definetly understand your need to search and look for all the details of your future hosting partners however it is not fair for you to be judging them publically and jumping to conclusions and pressing your comments to effect others. If you want to discuss this matter further then please feel free to email me. I can also provide you my direct office number for further discussions. I however will not get involved in any further comments on a public forum which may have a negative impact on the company I work for. sultanhost has their telephone number published on their contact page. If your aim was to really simply learn the facts, you could have called their number up and ask them your questions/comments/worries directly without taking the time of many people who have come here expecting to read something totally different. Regards, Tam

Posted by Tamarra, 07-31-2003, 10:53 AM
KymberThis post definetly strengthens my assumptions and I can now understand where the negative assumptions are coming from.... It is called ; WWW - World Wide Web . This aint' no Nazi regime. Last edited by Tamarra; 07-31-2003 at 11:00 AM.

Posted by NexDog, 07-31-2003, 10:55 AM
Even though it's WWW, you can only register particular TLDs if you live in such and such a country.

Posted by parkinghost, 07-31-2003, 12:48 PM
I would recommend 24hostingnow.com amazing speeds of tech supports, friendly people and good value reseller plan

Posted by kymber, 07-31-2003, 01:19 PM
Tam... did the DataCenter initially register both bacakhost.com and sultanhost.com in their name first? This could very well explain Texas if indeed they registered your domain names in their name first and then later transfered them to you. I've never heard of a DataCenter doing this, but I suppose it is possible if they also sell domain name services. But you should have doubled checked and updated your whois records to the correct information as you are already aware of now. And, since you stated, "I am not the one who registers or owns these domains," then are you saying that you don't own bacakhost.com after all--the company you claim to own? First you state "I am neither the owner nor a partner in this firm and as an employee" then later in your post you state: "I however will not get involved in any further comments on a public forum which may have a negative impact on the company I work for." So which is it do you work for them or not? Or, when you posted that you weren't a partner or an employee of this firm, where you refering to the datacenter. This really could use some clarification. And I hate to tell you this but if you are a subsidary of a parent company then in one form or another, you are still a "partner," you are related, and I will say it again...you're recommendation of sultanhost was biased. Furthermore, I do not feel that I made any assumptions that started all of this. I simply stated how your recommendation of sultanhost made me "feel," and how it made me worry about what you could "possibly" be doing. I never said you were "actually" doing it...I have no way to know that. I just simply pointed out how it looked to me as a new customer at that time, and thus what led up to me canceling my account with sultanhost. Furthermore, I have not been negative about a firm that provided a whole 4 days of service to me. I said they offered good services to me for the short time I was with them. I've just been questioning your actions and the "motives" behind your actions, and whether or not you stand to profit from making recommendations for sultanhost. At this time, I am NOT sorry for making the post about your "public" records, because that is what WHT is for. I already knew about all this before you made your first "clarification" post, and I was keeping quite about it by not posting all the facts on this thread that I had learned prior to your clarification post on WHT. Well, maybe I was right, maybe I was wrong, but at that time I felt that others had a right to know about the company you are recommending all over WHT, and I felt others had a right to know about your relationship with them. I would have certainly appreciated it if someone else would have told me, so I made my post. I do not feel that I have been jumping to conclusions either as I have posted the way it looked personally to me "prior" to your clarification, and then I gave the facts that I knew to be true based upon all the companies "public" records. Of course things really took a twist when you said you were going to change your whois records and didn't want to discuss the matter any further on this thread and you didn't want to address any of the points I made about the facts of your public records. So you are the one who made yourself look bad, not me. Continuing on... At the time, I wanted a lower priced, reliable host quickly, hence the reason I started this thread in the first place, and I didn't want to take the time to call sultanhost and verify "facts" that I had already discovered on my own. The facts I saw were enough for me, and to be frank, I didn't really need any further clarification. I only needed a good, reliable host quickly, and I didn't want to take any chances, and I don't think anyone would blame me for not wanting to take chances after finding out about you. The chances for me was that everything might have worked out just fine for me or might not. But we will never know that as I will no longer be using sultanhost's services. I wasn't willing to take the chance that it might not work out and invest the time to hang around and see if things would be just fine. So I have chalked it up to a good lesson learned, and have realized that I should be patient, slow things down and take the time to find the perfect hosting match for me, as well as learn more about a company before I sign up with them and start uploading my websites. If your companies are be the perfect match for others then great, but it just wasn't the perfect match for me in my situation at that time. As far as phone numbers being listed on sultanhost's website, I do remember one being there but it was a foreign phone number. To be quite honest, I didn't really want to pay for a call overseas--remember, I was looking for a cheaper hosting alternative to keep my prices down. So you see, a phone call would have just added to my prices. But believe me, cheap will be the last thing I look for in a host from now on. And I will never prefer a phone call over an email or help desk which gives me written records. Finally, your post "This aint' no Nazi regime," was simply childish, totally uncalled for, and very unprofessional--yet again making yourself look bad. And to correct you, I didn't even think about the domain rule thing until just minutes before I posted it. So with things as they currently stand, I still have no reason to make a public apology at this time. This thread may have gotten a bit off track here, but maybe it's a good thing since a lot of lessons have been learned. So with that all said, I just say we move forward with the original purpose of this thread and let the moderators decide your fate.

Posted by SoftWareRevue, 07-31-2003, 01:20 PM
Well, there is:

Posted by kymber, 07-31-2003, 01:28 PM
Well that pretty much settles it for me. I knew Tamarra was wrong in recommending another associated company. Edit --> Moderators this user is in fact breaking the rules here.

Posted by Matt, 07-31-2003, 05:04 PM
kymber, you have done nothing wrong here and don't let Tamarra rile you (which it appears you are not). People tend to get angry and defensive when they are caught in a lie and try to turn it into a personal attack instead of dealing with the actual issue. You have handled your thoughts and opinions in this thread very well. If anyone made sultanhost look bad, it was one of their "divisions" trying to dig out of the hole they created. Not to mention their latest comment which you addressed above. Nice job bringing the truth into light so that everyone could see what was really happenning here. While that was not your intention, had Tamarra stayed out of this thread which clearly deals with a "division" of the company she represents, it wouldn't have come to where it is now. She has clearly violated the rules by recommending a company she has admitted working for. It does not matter which "divison" you are in, you are still an employee. Last edited by Matt; 07-31-2003 at 05:43 PM.

Posted by Tamarra, 07-31-2003, 05:33 PM
I have clearly violated the forum rules stated by SoftWareRevue's post by advising a firm I am related to in someway or other, therefore I do apologize to all forum visitors and moderators for the inconvenience. I however still stand by my other points which I feel that I have every right to express. Regards, Tam

Posted by jayp, 08-01-2003, 03:52 PM
Back to the original question: www.clook.net

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