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VPS or Reseller

Posted by Levans, 05-10-2012, 10:09 AM
Hi there, I was hoping someone could clarify what I need to manage these sites and future sites effectively, should I go with a reseller or VPS account? With the potential pros and cons of each. The breakdown of my sites are as follows: 48MB Disc Space, 8GB Bandwidth - 193MB Disc Space, 40GB Bandwidth - 50MB Disc Space, 1.2 GB Bandwidth - 211MB Disc Space, 0.25 GB Bandwidth - 36MB Disc Space, 0.15 GB Bandwidth - 40MB Disc Space - About to go live - Around 4GB-8GB Bandwidth - And potentially 4 other sites each around: 59MB Disc Space, 0.3 GB Bandwidth Any other questions please ask Thanks

Posted by wolvyreen, 05-10-2012, 11:03 AM
Firstly, Are these sites your own or clients? If clients, then reseller. Thats too little for a VPS.

Posted by WTP Admin, 05-10-2012, 11:17 AM
It all depends on the resources your sites use not the diskspace or bandwidth. Remember that reseller accounts are still in a shared environment whereas VPS accounts are given dedicated resources.

Posted by Levans, 05-10-2012, 11:23 AM
Hey thanks for replying, yes these are my own clients and please excuse my naivety but what do you mean by the resources of my sites?

Posted by WTP Admin, 05-10-2012, 11:29 AM
well if all your sites were major popular forums, the diskspace would be low, bandwidth perhaps would be high but mysql usage would be quite high and would probably be too intensive for a shared server. Resources are CPU, memory, database...

Posted by BuzyBee-Kevin, 05-10-2012, 11:51 AM
Not all VPS are given dedicated resources OpenVZ operates similar to shared hosting but can operate separably from the rest of the node which gives the appearance of isolation with its own container. Xen is given fully dedicated memory/swap and a Partition to operation within just like a read dedicated server. Both are great technologies but are quit different. With your hd space needs and low bandwidth usage it would be very unlikely you will use significant CPU memory resources for mysql operations. You would be fine on a reseller account but if you had the budget to move to a VPS it will offer more freedom and growing room. If you intend to grown your business then a reseller account will be quit temporarily and you will likely have to move to a VPS sooner than later. But if growth is slow and very little effort goes into gaining new clients than there is no need to move to a VPS.

Posted by AMSWebHost, 05-10-2012, 12:11 PM
This is very much dependent on the resources each of your sites use, but it seems like you would only need a reseller account. I am assuming the sites are on separate shared accounts? And thus will assume you have been fine upto now on a shared environment --> No need to upgrade to a VPS just yet.

Posted by CyberHostPro, 05-10-2012, 01:46 PM
Hi I recommend a Reseller Account to you, A VPS you likely won't need as your usage is really low!

Posted by public_html, 05-10-2012, 04:43 PM
I think a VPS account can pretty much handle this for you now, but if you need more control and you're good at managing VPS, then you can try it out. But still the reseller is good choice.

Posted by jmshap, 05-10-2012, 05:47 PM
I have found that it is worth paying a little extra for a reliable reseller than paying a similar amount or probably more for an un-managed VPS. Best of luck.

Posted by Forward Web, 05-10-2012, 09:17 PM
Where do you currently have these sites hosted? Shared/Reseller or VPS?

Posted by philipdaniel, 05-11-2012, 02:00 AM
A Reseller account will be good decision for your sites on the basis of breakdown shared by you.

Posted by CokeSir, 05-11-2012, 02:03 AM
a Reseller gives you more spece and bandiwdth as in this case, you would go for a reseller account as its more worth a VPS gives you control over things but if you need more space/bandiwdth to allocate then it will be very expensive. my suggestion is a reseller account

Posted by b4uindia, 05-11-2012, 04:56 AM
A VPS shall be good option there are many good VPS service provider offer affordable VPS Plans of 1GB RAM that shall be sufficient to your requirements.

Posted by XeHSean, 05-11-2012, 06:42 AM
Do you have any server management experience? What sort of budget are you working on it? The answers to these two questions may deteremine which platform you should use for you.

Posted by Levans, 05-11-2012, 11:21 AM
I think due to my severe lack of server knowledge I should go with a reseller account, but the question now arises of who. Now, everyone has their opinion but the difference in price is just massive and I cant tell the difference. If someone could please explain the difference for example between Hostgator which charges about £15.50 a month for 50gb disk space and 500gb bandwidth and host papa offer it for £1.95 (signed for 3 years) - which is still only £70 for the entire contract and they offer unlimited usage to both disk space and bandwidth?? I'm just lost!!

Posted by AMSWebHost, 05-11-2012, 11:30 AM
Read their TOS very carefully. Unlimited hosting does not exist and they will put all sorts of limits on your account to ensure you do not use too much space or bandwidth - at the end of the day the cheaper they charge, the more accounts they need to put on the server to break even/make a profit. When signing up to a reseller account, take into consideration that your service is only as good as your provider - you don't want to be picking the cheapest provider that you can get.

Posted by WTP Admin, 05-11-2012, 12:44 PM
Host Gator is a reputable company and very successful. I have never heard of host papa but that price says to me stay away! Especially from a host offering unlimited hard disk space since a hard disk with unlimited capabilities does not exist!

Posted by Collabora, 05-11-2012, 01:00 PM
But that is exactly what Hostgator offers. Perhaps if you were more familiar with quota-based hosting plans you wouldn't have to contradict yourself. Sheesh.

Posted by WTP Admin, 05-11-2012, 04:18 PM
Not on reseller it doesn't...

Posted by Collabora, 05-11-2012, 04:36 PM
This is true! But they do offer reseller unlimited email + unlimited databases + unlimited sites. These require unlimited disk space -- which as you say does not exist. I wonder how many unlimited databases you can have in a 50GB plan if all your sites and emails use up 50GB? What if some company with 25 employees sign up and their email uses 50GB of space. How many unlimited sites will you be able to host? Just the one? Funny what people accept or reject as "unlimited."

Posted by danferserviziweb, 05-11-2012, 04:47 PM
true Collabota but ... have you never tried their service or read their TOS ? they not permit overselling so if you have 50Gb and make on whm plans of 5Gb for every user you'll have only 10 user in you reseller ... the db and mail space are taked from the user space so if you give 1Gb per user you'll can host 50 users in 50Gb but everyone will be limited to his 1Gb of space (and this is websitespace+db+email+stats) If you make a plan of 50Gb you can host 1 website. Other than this, hostgator is not so bad but not perfect too ... if you're lucky and will be put on a low load server could be ok (but this is the same for near all the big hosting company)

Posted by Collabora, 05-11-2012, 04:58 PM
OK. I didn't realize they do not allow overselling. Bummer. But you still have to aggregate your services in a single disk space allotmment, right? You can't have a 3GB plan and give customer 1GB web, 1GB mail and 1GB database (on a single account?). Or are you? [I should ask them, but here we are ]

Posted by danferserviziweb, 05-11-2012, 05:02 PM
if you make a plan you can choose how much space it have, bandwith, number of db and email and all as usual on whm, you can't tell if it's 1Gb for web 1 for email and so on. Will be your customer to choose how and where use them (when they make their email they can choose to make with unlimited space or limiting them, if they make unlimit and then store 3Gb of mail they will not have space for website, go outofspace, website suspended and so they can clean it or ask you to upgrade them to more space paing more). And this is the way whm work on every host where the overselling is not permitted.

Posted by nikhilagrawal, 05-30-2012, 03:15 AM
Reseller account gives more resource where VPS gives controller. To decide what kind of account required check following factor 1) Type of Site 2) Load on server (Number of hits, number of people checking sites, etc) 3) How much customize environment you require (version of PHP, gcc or etc) Regards Nikhil Agrawal <> Last edited by sirius; 05-31-2012 at 11:23 PM.

Posted by mikefrancis, 05-31-2012, 10:30 PM
I think to start to go with a reseller account will be a good choice. Do you have any others that you are thinking other then Hostgator.

Posted by Sidodz, 06-01-2012, 07:30 AM
A VPS shall be good option there are many good VPS service provider offer affordable VPS Plans of 1GB RAM that shall be sufficient to your requirements.

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