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Is bigsiteofhosting.com down?

Posted by bob72, 10-23-2002, 02:56 AM
Hello, it seems that the bigsiteofhosting.com is down since yesterday. Anyone having any info Bob

Posted by Fanturex, 10-23-2002, 02:52 PM
Down here Blackpool/Uk, I am sure Nayeem and his team are aware and working on the problem! Chris

Posted by greatbeast, 10-23-2002, 05:45 PM
OK, that makes me glad about my decision. I was looking at bigsites reseller plan, but it seemed WAY too cheap and I was suspicious. (Not to mention the no-info-on-the-owner whois entry on the person who registered the domain.)

Posted by bob72, 10-24-2002, 04:13 AM
it is down sincee last 3 days. And the best part is, when it will come online no one knows. I was also planning to have a reseller space with them, but now i think Cheap Is always Not Good Bob

Posted by Aussie Bob, 10-24-2002, 04:37 AM
True words indeed.

Posted by reseller, 10-24-2002, 07:11 AM
Bob I think you need to reinvented as a guru! Aussiebobwebhostingguru.com nice ring no?

Posted by Southernman, 10-24-2002, 07:16 AM
Whewwwww, say that 3 times - real fast!

Posted by Aussie Bob, 10-24-2002, 08:39 AM
Personally, I prefer AussisBobneedsaBMW.com

Posted by mdrussell, 10-24-2002, 12:58 PM
Are we forgetting AussieBobsSunSeeker.com ?

Posted by Aussie Bob, 10-24-2002, 08:37 PM
takes the red M3 BMW from the office to the yacht - passes Matt on the way to the Boat and gives a cheeky little wave*

Posted by reseller, 10-24-2002, 10:53 PM
Business is going super well then is it?

Posted by nayeem, 10-25-2002, 01:00 PM
we have had problems with the server where we are hosting our own site. The server had a system level problem, and the last 3 days were spent trying to recover the data that was already in there. Unfortunately this did not come to much success so we are setting up a new server and transfer the information over from the hard disk seperately. We will be compensating all our existing customers for the downtime. If anyone is interested in any of our plans please feel free to contact me directly at nayeem@ntlworld.com and I will make sure you get informed when things are in place. regards nayeem (ps greatbeast, can you please let us know where you found no info in the whois, i tried it just now too and it seems to be showing up ok. thanks)

Posted by bob72, 10-26-2002, 04:54 AM
nice to be updated about but i see that you have taken 4 days to update your potential customers on this thing. In the field of web hosting server crash and inability to respond to clients' requests are fatal. there is no point in giving MSN/Yahoo ids if you cannot respond over there In any case, my good luck to you for the new server Bob

Posted by greatbeast, 10-27-2002, 02:45 AM
It took you 3 days to try and recover data ?? I assume you are using a server with a single drive then. No RAID, no seperate drive(s) to keep OS seperate from data. If you dont have a standard "image" for a server (using GHOST or Diskimage---both of which work on Linux and Windows for quick configuration...or a standard "server install script" to automate a server build....or at least a checklist.... I dont know.... Unless it's due to hardware failure I cant see any reason why a server cant be brought back up in 24 hours. As far as the whois not showing data? well they show the name of the registrant, and the name servers. No technical contact, administrative contact. No address, phone number, etc. And I dont recall seeing any of that info on the webpage, though I could be mistaken. To be it makes a difference to see that info, even if i never use it.

Posted by bob72, 10-27-2002, 04:58 AM
Now it is the 6th day, and the problem has not been sorted out yet. their site is still down, and there seems to be little progress on restoring it. What if their customers' clients cancel their accounts? Who will be responsible? In any case, can any host afford an absence of 5 days because their server crashed? Do share your opinions on this

Posted by Aussie Bob, 10-27-2002, 05:03 AM
Yes, but I have no grand illusions of boats and luxury cars. Just to earn a descent living doing what you love, keeping a roof over your head and your kids clothed and happy is more than enough for me.

Posted by greatbeast, 10-27-2002, 12:02 PM
From the looks of things bigsite either doesnt care too much about servers being down...or doesnt have the technical resources to repair, and didn't have the forethought to have proper tested backups so a server could be wiped and rebuilt if necessary. Even if their costs DIDN'T look suspiciously low, I would avoid them.

Posted by maxhest, 10-27-2002, 06:20 PM
To alert all my clients on outages and such or system upgrades, I do a weekly/bi-weekly newsletter and I have a helpdesk on a outside server different then my RackShack one. :-) If anyone even remotely was having some problems, my support tech will alert them ASAP and use my helpdesk to update the problems.

Posted by nayeem, 10-27-2002, 06:41 PM
hi bob72 and greatbeast, thanks for your comments and opinions. we will try to answer some of the points you mentioned here : 1) yes we totally understand that 3 days is an extensively long time to try to recover the data. we had to rely on our datacenter to attempt the recovery so i must admit a bit of communication gap did take place and strecth that to 5 days in attempting to recover. as for the problem itself, it had been a system level problem as i explained, external linux experts were brought in by the datacenter just to handle this specific issue and that was to no avail either. we will keep your ideas about backups in mind for future and will be working on improving the scenario a bit (or rather i should say lot') more by intruducing daily backups and as maxhest mentioned by spreading out part of the site in other servers. we will be exploring other possibilities as well. 2) greatbeast : please tell us where (URL) you are getting the whois problem from so that we can take a look at it ourselves and get it resolved. 3) if any of you have been trying to contact me using MSN you might find me online and no replies since someone seems to login using my account from a different place at times when i am not on it myself. yesterday and today i was a bit preoccupied with something, but you should be able to find me more regularly from tomorrow. i dont remember receiving any emails to the emergency email address that was provided. i will also be getting a different MSN id very soon and update the signature accordingly. thanks to everyone who has shown interest and concerns and have invested the time in making the feedbacks and comments. regards nayeem www.bigsiteofhosting.com

Posted by bryanh46, 11-02-2002, 04:34 PM
Since Nayeem canceled my account because I posted a warning about downtime, I feel I need to add to this thread. First of all the site has been down for well over a WEEK, not three days. I received no e-mails about the down time. On Wednesday I finally tracked Nayeem down on MSN. He told me that the windows server will be back online between Wed and Fri. This morning I woke up to once again find my sites down. I jumped on MSN and asked for a status. He did not reply for at least 15 minutes. It was at this time that I wrote a warning to a user looking for windows reseller service (since I know for a FACT the server is still down). Nayeem FINALLY replied to my MSN chat and claimed he sent me boith a PM here and an e-mail with the new IP address to the server. Well I never recieved either of them. I guess at this point he jumped on to WHT to send me said PM and noticed that I posted a warning. He can right back and said.. Control says: just read ur post in WHT. Bryan_H says: yes? Bryan_H says: I will be more than ahppy to remove it if this EVER works Control says: yes we have to cancel ur account. we cannot take customers who are like this. and proceded to cancel my account. The IP address he gave me for the windows server STILL does not respond to HTTP and the ping times are wild! ping Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Request timed out. Request timed out. Request timed out. Reply from bytes=32 time=982ms TTL=105 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 1, Lost = 3 (75% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 982ms, Maximum = 982ms, Average = 245ms Buyer beware Bryan

Posted by greatbeast, 11-03-2002, 01:51 PM
Nayeem "Can't take customers who are like this" ? Like what? who speak truthfully about the quality of service ? I imagine Nayeem and co are just out to make a quick buck (or two) anyways. I was wildly unimpressed with their pricing structure on their website, (too low to be realistic) and turned off by when running a whois from diferent servers not getting any contact info with it.

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