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VDI based hosts with reseller plans

Posted by Wazeh, 10-06-2000, 07:34 PM
Who offers reseller plans based on a VDI platform? I know of ultraspeedusa.com, but who else is on VDI?

Posted by JTY, 10-06-2000, 07:49 PM
I believe interserver.net and burst.net do.

Posted by Chicken, 10-06-2000, 09:37 PM
Also dids.com does (I believe they are still with VDI)... http://dids.com/resellers/index.php

Posted by diyoha, 10-07-2000, 04:31 PM
A traceroute proves otherwise ... kinda dids.com is with burstnet and burstnet is with vdi sooo it is almost true David

Posted by Chad Simper, 10-07-2000, 06:49 PM
David, Thanks for the post - though a bit inaccurate. Just to clear up any misunderstandings David may have caused, please reference this recent thread on another board that started in the same manner: http://www.webmaster-forums.com/foru...6&pagenumber=1 If anyone has questions about this, please direct them to my e-mail address and I would be more than happy to answer them. I don't visit this certain forum much but a fellow webmaster that knows what me and my firm are really about warned me of this thread.

Posted by Chicken, 10-07-2000, 06:53 PM
You know.. I couldn't find that link... I had a feeling I read that somewhere, but couldn't remember if it talked about dids or another VDI based host. I'm sure Chad is tired of answering this question (maybe not worth the discount for the IP's heh), and was going to email him this thread so that you could reply. I forgot to after looking through some of the other forums (got sidetracked, who would have thunk?).

Posted by Chad Simper, 10-07-2000, 07:14 PM
It is getting kinda frustrating Chicken ... But, it is in fact public information and people are free to make their own assumptions. I only hope that people would at least give us a shot instead of immediatly ruling us out over something that really has nothing to do with our services. Anyway, things are being worked on to take care of this problem. I appreciate your support Chicken.

Posted by Chicken, 10-07-2000, 08:31 PM
I'll shoot you the thread instead of looking for the old one next time. I'm sure by the time it comes up again, I won't remember (again, heh). You aren't the only one who has to deal with this. My server has IP addresses registered to tera-byte, and by doing traceroutes and IP lookups, you'd swear I was a reseller. I hate the fact that these things trace back to someone other than me, but there's not a whole lot I can do about it, and it seems to be the nature of the beast. Luckily, I don't host like you do. If I did, I'd probably have a BIG announcement on my site: NOT A BURST RESELLER!!! No offense Burst-Sean, I just mean that if you are, you are, and if you're not, you're not. I'm sure Sean understands...

Posted by diyoha, 10-07-2000, 10:55 PM
I wonder are there any other ways available to confirm if a host is a reseller under a company or just leasing their IP addresses etc. ? I have no reason to doubt or believe weather dids.com is with burst.net or not (it is actually in their best interest to deny this since burst.net doesn't exactly have the best reputation) The only thing anyone can believe is object information. And in most cases traceroute is enough ... and now it seems there are many exceptions soooo does anyone know of any other good alternatives to traceroute? David

Posted by Chad Simper, 10-08-2000, 12:18 AM
There really isn't a way to get 100% accurate information on whether a host is a reseller or not. You might try asking the host - some will be honest and some won't be. It's unfortunate that people have to actually be this investigative in the first place. It really frowns down on the hosting industry. Consumers should be able to just look over a hosting firm's offerings, ask them some questions, and make a decision based on this information - and they should receive those services. Unfortunatly, all too many consumers have not received those services which makes it a common practice to try to get as much info about the company as possible now. And a lot of the time, that information really shouldn't be read into like a lot of people read into it (in my firm's case, the information that has been pointed out in this thread is accurate, but the assumptions about it aren't). Whether you believe the information you find and what you make of it is completely up to you.

Posted by Wazeh, 10-08-2000, 01:37 AM
Thank you friends for the pointers, but are there any more VDI hosts? One thing in common I have noticed while reviewing the reseller programs for mentioned companies is that all except BurstNet have very low discounts. How can a reseller make any money if the discount is just 25% of the regular price which is too high to start with? alabanza hosts offer much lower costs. I wonder why?

Posted by Scotto, 10-09-2000, 01:45 AM
Wazeh: >alabanza hosts offer much lower costs. I wonder why? Not for long. With recent price increases, you will notice many Alabanza-based hosts costs increase as well. -Scotto

Posted by sergio, 10-09-2000, 08:42 AM
Bandwidth for all Alabanza bazed hosts is high priced. [Edited by sergio on 10-09-2000 at 09:12 AM]

Posted by Matt Lightner, 10-15-2000, 02:23 AM
I can't think of any other VDI based hosts with reseller programs at the moment.. but when I know of one, You'll be the first to know! *ahem* Matt mlightner@site5.com (VDI Based!)

Posted by Chicken, 10-15-2000, 03:09 AM
HA! How in the world did I forget about Site5??? Sorry about that Matt

Posted by Matt Lightner, 10-15-2000, 03:55 AM
Oh it's no problem Chicken. No need to apologize. I see how things are... CDS ---> flamethrow <--- Site5 J/K Matt mlightner@site5.com [Edited by Site5-Matt on 10-15-2000 at 03:57 AM]

Posted by Jag, 10-15-2000, 11:44 AM
Don't leave us out We have a reseller plan based on VDI servers

Posted by Jag, 10-15-2000, 11:45 AM
Don't leave us out We have a reseller plan based on VDI servers but I won't post details as to avoid the CDS. Just visit us.

Posted by Chicken, 10-15-2000, 12:51 PM
Jag, did you dump DI or is this a second box? Well, not a second box, but a new direction that you are going I guess, in case you have more than one box at DI.

Posted by Jag, 10-15-2000, 05:07 PM
Its a new direction, we have severa at DI that we probably will keep there and use for other purposes but we do already have a few at VDI now. VDI will be the way we go from now I if all continues to work out.

Posted by Matt Lightner, 10-18-2000, 10:24 PM
Based on postings I've seen from you here and at other 'hosting forums' (the same people seem to be at all of them ), it would appear that you are less-than-satisfied with the service you are currently receiveing from VDI. Is there anything in certain that you don't like about them? I would be interested in hearing about it! Matt mlightner@site5.com

Posted by Jag, 10-18-2000, 10:36 PM
Well those may be old postings but im not really sure which ones your referring to. It was very difficult getting support from VDI at first, no response, closing tickets with no answers, and a few others. Finally I got fed up and through a serious of requests got put through to Bill (owner of VDI). Well since things are pretty smooth for us but I read somewhere here that others are having the same trouble, I believe DanielP had to do the same ot get results at first too.

Posted by Matt Lightner, 10-18-2000, 10:45 PM
Wow, that's surprising, and not like them at all. VDI is usually on top of things. I'll admit that they are not the fastest to answer minor problems... but every time we have had an emergency, they have taken care of it right away (even at 3AM ). At any rate, I'm glad to hear that things are shaping up for you! VDI is a great company with some very unique and skilled employees. I'm sure your future there will be more than satisfying. Matt mlightner@site5.com P.S. If you ever have trouble getting a response from them again, let me know. You Daniel and I can all call in and bug them until it is taken care of.

Posted by Jag, 10-18-2000, 10:54 PM
Oh , and since then we have been satisfied. I know my requests are now answered abck very fast and they are on top of things. One of my techies had a problem but it turned out his issue could have been fixed by us and didnt need to goto VDI, I smacked him on the wrist

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