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finding programmers?

Posted by selbach, 06-08-2007, 03:20 PM
how/where can I find good/reliable/affordable programmers for small projekts?

Posted by rlhosthng, 06-08-2007, 03:25 PM
May i suggest http://www.getacoder.com From experience the people there are very affordable and the work is fantastic

Posted by selbach, 06-08-2007, 03:30 PM
thank you for the link other good places to find coders/programmers?

Posted by Xeentech, 06-09-2007, 01:12 AM
I've been bidding on jobs posted on Scriptlance.com. I haven't been picked for a single job posting yet, so this isn't really an enforcement.. I keep getting under bid, and there's no way I'm doing three hours of work for $5.

Posted by Blesta-Paul, 06-09-2007, 02:02 AM
good, reliable *and* affordable (If by affordable you mean cheap) is really hard to come by. getacoder.com and scriptlance.com are really good if you want cheap, but you'll be hard pressed to get quality work. There are a few good programmers lurking those sites but they won't be that easy to find, and they definitely won't be the cheapest bid.

Posted by selbach, 06-09-2007, 03:59 AM
4 ill have a look at that site to you can get 6$ for three hours work ;-) #5 by affordable I mean that I dont whant to pay overprices... but you get what you pay fore. Im also looking for coders for bigger projekts in the future where quality is the most important.

Posted by amchost, 06-09-2007, 08:33 AM
I have been looking for coders for a while, may i suggest that you ask over at freewebspace.net forums, I have had experience of a coder their called krakjoe, whos work is quality, and whos costs are fairly reasonable ( in my view) his website is krakjoe.com i hope it helps AMC

Posted by Ks Jeppe, 06-09-2007, 09:23 AM
Generally it's hard to find good quality programmers from what i know. Myself and most of my friends who i consider to be good programmers (in their respective areas) don't use sites like getacoder, scriptlance or getafreelancer much, but rather rely on word-of-mouth to get them jobs. The problem with the above sites, in my opinion, is that you have 10-15 people who've been there from the start, which means that they have 500-700 great reviews and a rating of 8-10/10, so either they get picked, or else the poorer quality coders who underbid everyone get picked. But hey, try them out, you might get lucky Best of luck with your projects

Posted by webhostingdesign, 06-09-2007, 03:36 PM
how do you define a "small" project? it may be difficult since most programmers want to be able to concentrate on one project at a time and small projects don't pay the bills.

Posted by webhostingdesign, 06-09-2007, 03:44 PM
I've used SL for some time now and I've found that the quality of programmers is very poor, you get a lot of teenagers from india who want to make a quick buck then you get some average programmers with no design skills who charge $us10- $US30/hour, which is more than I charge here in Los Angeles. In my opinion all the good cheap programmers overseas are tied up with steady jobs.

Posted by selbach, 06-09-2007, 03:58 PM
7 ill be looking at that to. thanks. #8 well... hate depending on luck ;-) but thanks. Good coders are hard to find, either they aint reliable og they think to much of their own skillz and cant deliver what they promise

Posted by selbach, 06-09-2007, 04:02 PM
small projekts must be from 3 hours to 1 week of coding. I dont want to hire a new guy to make a bigger projekt before I know if he is easy to work with and can get the job done.

Posted by webhostingdesign, 06-09-2007, 04:07 PM
its going to be hard to find good programmers for that because, for example, we typically only do $3500 projects and up, the ones who will do a $500 project are the programmers who are new and/or desperate, but sometimes we'll do a $500 project if the specs are clear and the project is cut and dry. also your quality will suffer because if you are paying someone very little they have to multi-task you and work on 10 projects at once.

Posted by selbach, 06-09-2007, 04:19 PM
13 off course, small projekt has to be very specific to get a good result

Posted by mwatkins, 06-09-2007, 05:31 PM
My experience is that very few customers, big or small, are good at coming up with useful working specifications, and fewer still are good at working with their developer partners to carefully manage scope. A developer with good project *and* client management skills is a useful combo.

Posted by Ks Jeppe, 06-09-2007, 06:38 PM
A word of advice from an insider in the freelance coding community; Wait about 3-4 weeks from now before you post your project.. Most of us are very busy with Exams and so forth right now, and therefore not on the market. Over the summer holidays, as school starts clearing up, you'll see some of the good-quality people starting to suffice - Your luck might be better then

Posted by rlhosthng, 06-10-2007, 08:38 AM
There is also a private coder at borget.info I heard he was quite good although i havent had any personal experience with him

Posted by webhostingdesign, 06-10-2007, 03:26 PM
I heard that venturait.com is the best lol how did you hear that borget is a good coder? what are his/her rates?

Posted by webhostingdesign, 06-10-2007, 03:28 PM
is it really a good idea to hire students who place exams at a higher priority than the work they might do for you?

Posted by selbach, 06-10-2007, 03:49 PM
I would rather hire a person whom I know takes 1 thing at the time, even if that means my projekt will have to wait for 2 weeks

Posted by sasha, 06-10-2007, 05:21 PM
In that case you need to be ready to pay full-time wages (8 to 10 hrs/day) to someone from the moment the work on your project starts to the moment it ends. Here is an advice, do not look for programmer on the Internet (avoid looking for one at WHT at any cost). The best way to find someone is to find a completed projects that are somewhat similar to what you are trying to do and contact people who created those projects. Ask for samples of work. Ask for references. Contact their clients. Consider those rates: < $20 / hour - you might get lucky (in the same way as you might win a lottery) $20 - $50 hour - You can get decent work done in this price range. The lower the price the more concurrent projects programmer is working on. All deadlines in this price range are very relative and the project could easy extend from 4 weeks to 4 months and more. > $50 / hour - You can get decent and timely work in this price range. The most programmers who work in this price range will not quote you per hour but rather per project. They will probably not consider your project unless it's total is above some amount that is worth of getting their hands dirty (~$2000 and up for an example) There are exceptions from any rule, but this is what i gathered from personal experience as web developer and as someone who it looking for good help himself (unsuccessfully).

Posted by Ks Jeppe, 06-11-2007, 04:33 AM
I'd have to agree with selbach on (his?) comment, and futher more; If i were looking for a programmer, i'd have more trust in a person who is taking an education in the field, instead of someone who is trying to make a living of freelance coding for $5/hour. And i'd also say that Exams are generally at higher priority... I mean, if you had to select between doing well at an exam and thereby having the next 10 years of your life settled job-wise, and then doing a project for $100, then what would you do? Sorry if i seem too offensive

Posted by eukvps, 06-11-2007, 08:09 AM
Hello, Please do give a try over http://www.megalith.in , they are the best Programmers , i've ever seen @ cheap rates.

Posted by Xeentech, 06-11-2007, 09:11 AM
So good in fact, they don't even need a domain name that resolves! I hope this guy was posting as an example of what to avoid.. but sadly I doubt it

Posted by chrisranjana, 06-11-2007, 12:02 PM
elance.com too has good programmers. The thing that works best in elance is their review system. You cannot go wrong with it.

Posted by jasoncooper2, 06-11-2007, 03:19 PM
rentacoder.com is a good place for things like this

Posted by webhostingdesign, 06-11-2007, 04:14 PM
this makes sense

Posted by webhostingdesign, 06-11-2007, 04:17 PM
I've got over 10 years experience hiring programmers and I've used both students and $5/hour programmers in the past. The only place you will find good $5/hour programmers is over-seas and even the good ones overseas charge $20-$30/hour. And typically students are too immature and will drop your project if something else comes up (I know this from prior experience.) So if it is an important project its important to use someone you can trust, an expert, with testimonials, and who you think will follow through to the end - even if some troubles come up, because almost no project happens without an hitch. And yes, you get what you pay for, if you don't know what that means then you will sooner or later.

Posted by webhostingdesign, 06-11-2007, 04:20 PM
he was just doing some advertising, for example if I typed in web development & programming. or typed in $1 web hosting that might show up in google as a link and boost their ranking.

Posted by webhostingdesign, 06-11-2007, 04:23 PM
the bottom line is that it takes time to develop a good relationship with a programmer you can trust, EL has too many checks in place to allow a quick start to a project SL is quick but its run over with kids and crappy data entry people from india who can't speak english. US customers are finding out that it doesn't pay to go overseas for many projects because their design is poor, they have poor work ethics, and the communication is impossible, so its better just to hire someone based in the USA.

Posted by Ryan F, 06-12-2007, 05:14 PM
This is so true. Unfortunately this realization is usually reached after you've already invested a bunch of money and time into a project.

Posted by webhostingdesign, 06-12-2007, 05:31 PM
good programmers will always find work however, but it makes no sense to pay someone in India $25/hour.

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